Many have said it and as many repeat it, "to know is to love".
Marine life is a source of inspiration for us. However, our attachment to their world goes far beyond mere clothing.
Observing, learning and understanding, is the common thread of our adventure, which inspires us and makes us love wildlife so much. The graphic creations of Mokarran are related to marine life, and are derived from underwater photographs, that you will discover when visiting our website.
We told you Mokarran is a story of passions, these photos are the result of thousands of hours spent under the surface of the oceans, hoping for long dreamt of encounters. Photographer and co-founder of Mokarran, Vincent Truchet enchants us with these beautiful aquatic images. His love for the sea is reflected in his photos which serve as a basis for our clothing designs.
So behind every Mokarran’s design there is a story, of a man meeting a species. Vincent has as many anecdotes to tell as pictures to expose. By wearing Mokarran you carry with you a part of these stories.
Do not hesitate to discover or rediscover Vincent’s work on his website: Hold your breath and get ready to experience a true immersion in the deep blue sea.
Mélo, Customer relations manager.
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